At University of Tetovo, on June 22, 2022, was held Scientific Symposium on the topic: The contribution of the organization “Kushtrimi i Lirisë and Rafi Halili” in Albanian history.

Before the solemn opening, the leadership of University of Tetova, together with family members of Rafi Halili, made homage to his Rafi Halili’s grave, to his emblematic figure. The solemn opening of the Symposium was attended by a large number of political activists, vice-rectors, senators, deans, professors, former members of the organization “Kushtrimi i Lirisë“, relatives and students.

At the solemn opening of the Symposium, the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti said that this symposium organized by the Institute “Josif Bageri” of our University, occupies a special place in the agenda of educational-scientific activity of our institution, especially since it deals with a period of national movement of the Albanian people, has in focus great historical events, which have remained glorious epics, both in terms of the size of the organization, as well as their sufferings and sacrifices. From the stories of our history, we learn that Albanian organizations for causes are early, but today, through this symposium we will get acquainted with the efforts of our activists lead by Rafi Halili, who from an early age was strongly committed to our rights, such as education, culture and other areas. Rafi Halili personifies the intellectual and the symbol of the resistance of the Albanians in the former Yugoslavia, against the discriminatory and genocidal policy of the former Yugoslav communist system towards the Albanian nation. He was a rare and extraordinary personality, with high moral and human virtues. The figure of Rafi Halili is a very complex figure, which today in this scientific meeting we treat from a scientific perspective. According to the studies conducted by scientific researchers who participate in this symposium today, we conclude that His monumental work and authority are based on love for the homeland and national unity, the willingness to sacrifice and the titanic struggle for freedom. It is our duty to study prominent figures of this level in their entirety, for the stoic resistance to dictatorial hegemonic politics and the extraordinary role for the freedom and democracy we enjoy today. Today’s scientific meeting dedicated to the organization “Kushtrimi i Lirisë” and the patriotic activity of Rafi Halili, during the sessions that will take place, will reveal important historical details that are in interest not only for historians, but also for the ordinary reader. Moreover, about this topic will refer professionals of this scientific field, already proven in the fields where they operate. In conclusion, we thank you all for participating in this important event of national interest, meanwhile I also want to congratulate the researchers for their contribution and we encourage you for new ventures in the field of historiography , said the rector of University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.

Meanwhile, according to the head of the Institute of Albanian Language, Culture and Civilization “Josif Bageri”, Mr. Sc. Ismet Krosi, the organization of this activity within the Institute, proves in-depth studies on our rich language and culture. “Authentic researchers will pay attention, to the historical circumstances to the role of secret organizations, through the documents of the time that will prove and argue with their scientific theses about the role and contribution of the organization “Kushtrimi i Lirisë”, that was led by Rafi Halili.

The paradigm of scientific activity conceptualizes the character that a study and work must fulfill, first of all its objectivity, reliability, innovation, originality and applied consistency”, said among others, the head of the Institute of Albanian Language, Culture and Civilization “Josif Bageri”. MSc Ismet Krosi.

The president of the Association of the Politically Persecuted, Shpëtim Pollozhani, described Rafi Halili as an idealist and a staunch fighter for the idea of national unity. “Rafiu was determined to stay here, even though at a time when the beating was raging, many people escaped, many patriots left, and return as victors, bearers and owners of freedom. Rafi Halili was a really agile personality; we called him otter, one of the most agile animals among that exist on this planet. He was determined, as I said mention before, not to leave the country in any way. We created conditions for him to go to Albania, he approved us at the moment and again his direction was to Tetovo. “Even in prison he had a stoic character, a character which damaged him extremely, even though he was a supporter of the theory that the revolutionary should never give up, but must continue the war in prison”, said Shpëtim Pollozhani

The paper entitled: “Rafi Halili’s stay in Struga, before the third arrest” was read by Prof.dr. Nebi Dervishi. Unable to be present here today, Memet Hajrizi, on his behalf, the paper entitled: “Historical circumstances of the activity of the organization “Kushtirimi i lirisë and Rafi Halili” was read by Rudina Zeqiri.