The Director of the Agency for Implementation of the Language , Prof. Dr. Ylber Sela, in his speech, congratulated the chairman of the “Image and Media” Forum, Prof. Dr. Astrit Memia for the organization of this nationwide festival. “This is a festival organized in Skopje within the framework of the 50th anniversary of the Spelling Congress, it is also a pleasure that this festival is organized in cooperation with the University of Tetova, which is one of the leading universities in the region and the best, that has prepared professional and quality staff. Today, the state administration of the Republic of North Macedonia consists of people who studied and were professionally prepared at this University. The Agency for Language Implementation will always be open for collaborations of national interest”, highlighted Prof. Dr. Ylber Sela.

The President of the Senate of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ameti said that our University, besides to the educational, scientific, cultural and artistic activities that realizes, continues to present special events, in the interest of social and cultural developments, such as today’s manifestation  the XIX Festival of the Albanian Image’, which is dedicated to Orthodox Albanians, where we inaugurate the special edition of the journal “Philology”. “This festival, which next year will complete two decades of activity, in all these years has honored and awarded hundreds of personalities from all the meridians of the world, and in this way has turned into the biggest cultural event in the all Albanian territories. Starting from these universal artistic values, which the “Albanian Image” represents, we as an institution, through the Institute of Albanian Language, Culture and Civilization “Josif Bageri”, here in the capital of our country, today, together we give the special importance that this nationwide forum deserves said Prof. Dr. Kushtrim Ameti .

The Chairman of the “Image and Media” Forum, Prof. Dr. Astrit Memia said that this forum is a chain of individuals who are dedicated to building an Albanian world of Freedom and Democracy, as well as in peace, based on universal moral and spiritual values. “We support and promote the values ​​of the Albanian national super-elite and the achievement of the millennium objectives for sustainable albanian development. The “Image and Media” forum is a forum that aims to: integrate the country into the Euro-Atlantic structures, other regional and international organizations. In the interest of global peace, it works for the profiling and professionalism of legal entities and individuals in accordance with the requirements of the time.. The “Albanian image” also serves as a promotion of the achievements for peace after Albania’s membership in NATO and our aspiration to be integrated into the EU. The “Image and Media” forum has been promoting elite national values for 3 decades for the good of Albania and Albanianism”, expressed Prof. Dr. Astrit Memia.

In the XIX edition of this international festival, the “Image and Media” forum awarded the Ambassador Award for Albanian Image and National Identity to the son of the Qiriazi family from Manastir, Risto Qiriazi. This award was given by the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, with the motivation: “for the contribution given to the preservation of the national identity and the Albanian language in North Macedonia”.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, thanked the of the XIX edition of the International Festival “Albanian Image” for the honor they give to the Qiriazi family, emphasizing that not only this patriotic family from Bitola was honored with this award, but all the Albanian revivalists were respected who over the years have contributed to the preservation of our national identity, language and culture.

This festival of international dimension  was organized for the first time in the city of Skopje, on the eve of the national jubilee on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Spelling Congress, the 114th anniversary of the Congress of Manastir and the 110th anniversary of the Independence of Albania.