“Increasing the digital skills among students from underdeveloped hilly – mountainous regions” is the project that will be carried out by the University of Tetova and the Bureau for Regional Development of the Ministry of Local Self-Government. For the implementation of this educational project, the Rector of UT, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti and the director of the Bureau for Regional Development, Mr. Ramiz Rexhepi signed the cooperation agreement on October 4, 2022.

Through the implementation of this project is aimed the implementation and greater stimulation of private investments in synergy with public ones, which means the planning and implementation of public investments to ensure more equal regional development. Also, through this project, planning regions are planned to be more attractive, with improved local services, with effective access to the labor market, ensuring a higher degree of gender equality and effective social protection of the most affected groups of the population.

While the other strategic objective of the project is the significant strengthening of the regional development policy, the improvement of financial instruments for its implementation and the building of administrative capacities at the central, regional and local level.

Within the University of Tetova, classes will be attended by the students who come from the undeveloped hilly and mountainous parts of the Pollog region. Experiences and knowledge show that the digital skills of these students are at a lower level, so there is a need to strengthen their capacities. This project will contribute to the digital education of young students and their training in the use of technology.