The University of Tetova participated in the public debate organized by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning on the Draft-law for declaring a part of Sharr Mountain as a protected area in category II – National Park. Due to the impossibility to hold the debate with physical presence, the public debate was held by using the electronic platform ZOOM. The Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti welcomed this organization, emphasizing that initiatives of this nature that are undertaken by our institutions, contribute to scientifically recognize the biodiversity of the Sharr Mountain massif, which is a special complex of geological, geobotanical, hydrological, biogeographical and other diversities, intertwined and have already aroused the curiosity of many scientific researchers and the academic community. “As you know, our University has addressed this issue with scientific competence, we, in June 2013 with the participation of well-known researchers have disclosed detailed data on the Sharr Mountain massif, the importance of plants and wildlife, vegetation, protection measures, ways of preserving nature and the environment, as well as many other details of this field. In the studies conducted by the Ecological and Technological Institute of the University of Tetova, it is estimated that all natural treasures of Sharr Mountain, flora and fauna, objects of special cultural and historical importance, defined by law, are values of common interest for our country and should be under special protection. Our country, through relevant institutions must guarantee the protection, promotion of natural wealth, historical and cultural treasures. Due to its high natural values, Sharr Mountain has been involved in many European initiatives and has been designated the Emerald Area, the Bird Order Area, the Important Plant Area and the Important Butterfly Area. The Emerald Network is a network of areas of special interest for conservation (ASCI), designated for the conservation of the natural habitat network and developed in the territory of the Member States of the Berne Convention (Convention for the Conservation of Wildlife and Natural Habitats in Europe). Due to the high natural values, Sharr Mountain has long been recognized in many global initiatives”, said the Rector of the University of Tetova, Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti.
The Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Naser Nuredini said that this is a process which lasts approximately 20 years. It has reached a point where it can be declared a national park. “This is just a proposal, in no way do we intend to have negative impacts on citizens. The idea is to preserve our nature, to think about what we will leave to our children tomorrow. Let’s use nature in a sustainable way and to have proper developments. Normally we do not want to have an impact on the citizens, but we will use this opportunity to protect Sharr Mountain, but at the same time to develop the economy through green economy, in a sustainable way, we are now talking about skiing, organic farming, hiking or international tourism. These are the main points and at the same time to take care of what we do with Sharr Mountain, not to forget that Sharr Mountain is our and our children’s natural heritage. The idea of this is that, when the law is promulgated, to create a guideline on how the country will develop and this development to be organized and fair according to the law. Your comments are very important, this is our proposal, the proposal from the experts and as well as socio-economic study. Your ideas will be considered, in order not to have negative influences but support. Normally, I ask all of you to give constructive opinions, so that we can make progress here”, concluded the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Naser Nuredini.
The debate was hosted by Doc. Dr. Besnik Rexhepi, with the participated of the well-known expert and head of the Ecological and Technological Institute of UT Prof. Dr. Vladimir Krpaç. The draft-law is published in the Unified National Electronic Register of Regulations in the Republic of North Macedonia ( and on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (, for submitting comments, remarks and stakeholder consultations. Comments, opinions, suggestions can be submitted no later than 10 days after the public debate was held, i.e. until November 15, 2020 at:
This debate ended with a conversation between the participants, answering the questions posed, which would help the declaring of Sharr Mountain a National Park.