With the motto “Our Planet – Our Health”, the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Tetova marked April 7 – World Health Day. To mark this day, the Faculty of Medical Sciences joined numerous activities organized by the World Health Organization around the world, in order to raise public awareness of the importance to be devoted to planet protection and health care.

Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi, in his speech expressed gratitude for the contribution of all those doctors who took care of the health of many people during the pandemic period, who unfortunately are not among us today. “Today we celebrate with the fact that we must save the planet, to have good health, but our colleagues taking care of patients’s health have lost their lives. So, respect to all those doctors who have been part of the University of Tetova, such as Dr. Fehmi, Dr. Ramadani, Dr. Deari, and many others, who lost their lives from the pandemic, by an unknown enemy. Let us respect them on this day of health! A great honor to all fellow professors, who with their commitment try to give students knowledge, our future colleagues, as well as a special respect for these professors, who try to give their contribution while practicing the profession of doctor to the maximum in patient care”, said the dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Elezi.

On the occasion of the World Health Day, a greeting speech held also the director of the Clinical Hospital of Tetova, Dr. Amir Elezi. He said that this year the World Health Organization is determined to focus on ‘Our planet, our health’ as I would appeal to all of us to be careful, all to engage, to be more environmentalist, to try and consider also the health aspect of nutrition. “A very important aspect, which we should not be overlooked, it is also our common commitment to provide our doctors with the necessary infrastructure, so that they are able to practice their profession with all the premises and put into practice all the knowledge they have in terms of health and, this requires a great commitment at the state level and at the level of all other parts of society, even in the form of donations, to try our doctors, health workers to provide them genuine working conditions, with the sole purpose that they are as successful as possible in their work for the benefit of the population as well, which will receive quality services, but the health system will also be more complete in this regard “, stressed the director of the Clinical Hospital of Tetova, Dr. Amir Elezi.

On the occasion of April 7 – World Health Day, the Minister of Health Dr. Bekim Sali was also present. Congratulating doctors and health workers on Health Day, he focused his speech on some of the activities that Ministry of Health implements for the advancement of the health system. He, in front of the professors of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the students, also revealed some decisions brought by the Ministry of Health, among which the new specialization program for family medicine. “For the first time at the University of Tetova we present the new specialization program for family medicine. This is a long-term investment, which will produce professional staff in this specialization. Regarding the second innovation, we have initiated the expansion of the activity of this institution, the Clinical Hospital of Tetova, to perform specialist-consultative and hospital health care at the secondary level, in the field of breast surgery. Also, we have initiated the expansion of the activity of this institution for the implementation of specialist-consultative health care at the secondary level in the field of nuclear medicine. Also, the procedure for expanding the activities is being finalized, which will complete the process of advancing the quality of health care, which is offered to patients from Tetovo and the entire Polog region. Another innovation for doctors applying in specialization or sub-specialization is that all universities, including UT, will receive equal grades in the formation of the assessment for gaining the right to specialization or sub-specialization, unlike before, when one of the components of the assessment was the ranking of the university at which the candidate received his degree according to the Shanghai list. In parallel with these innovations, together with the management of the Clinical Hospital of Tetova we are working on finding opportunities for spatial expansion, to repair and strengthen the capacity of the facility, as well as to expand the medical team to meet the health needs of the population. of this region. Tetovo and the Polog region, in general, deserve a dignified Clinical Hospital, which meets all modern health standards”, said on this occasion the Minister of Health, Dr. Bekim Sali.

The activity to mark April 7 – World Health Day was concluded with a professional lecture by Prof. Dr. Sadi Bexheti, on the topic: “For healthy planet”. In front of the audience, he spoke in brief about the organization of a healthy life, always paying attention to water, keeping the environment clean and extra care, so as not to pollute the environment. He also appealed that as little as possible to use plastic materials and at the same time to recycle them, to plant trees, and only by taking care in this way will we be able to have a clean environment and enjoy the health of full.