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Schedules: Lectures, Exams and Consultations

Required documents for Master Studies:

  • Topic Proposal Form pdf | doc
  • Master Thesis Proposal Form pdf | doc
  • Master Thesis Defense Request Form pdf | doc
Please check details in Albanian and Macedonian language!

First Cycle of Studies – 2024/2025


Head of Student Parliament | Ladon Murseli


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Nowadays the world is rapidly changes especially in working life, society and information technology. Process of learning will be more effective when the students are being exposed to the real working condition by practically applying their knowledge and also the skills that they had learned.  Practical knowledge can often lead to a deeper understanding of a concept through the act of doing and personal experience.

Students are free to choose where they like to have experience on. It can be both, public and private sector, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research institutions, media, international organizations, etc. It is all about their interest, where they thinks would be important and necessary for their career.

What are the benefits of Internship?

  • Figure out what you want to do—and don’t want to do

An internship is an important step to establishing your career goals. So, if you think you know what type of job you want after college, do a test run through an internship. But make sure you match your career interests to the type of internship you do. “If you think you want to work in the startup world, you need to intern at a startup,” says Sparrow, “since your notion of what it’s like to work at a startup might not match reality.”

Moreover, figuring out what type of job you don’t want while you’re interning can help prevent you from accepting an ill-fitting job when you graduate.

  • Better Learning

Where theory is responsible for having the basic knowledge, Practical gives real knowledge through the application of the concepts. This helps the learning to become a part of your memory for a longer time.

  • Improved Skills

Not only learning you will get the techniques right under your sleeves. These tricks are going to help you in the long run when you will be in the professional field. This is because there you will not have your teacher or parents to help you out and give a solution.

  • Details of Your Career

Practical learning gives hands-on experience with the day to day life events. If you choose your career in the trained way then you will get an idea of the work, the types of challenges involved in it. If you are working when you are studying then you will get a better idea of the workplace. You will also have a better understanding. So, accordingly, you can strategize yourself.+

  • Make valuable connections

Take advantage of the opportunity to do internal networking while you’re at the company. “Introduce yourself to people you don’t know in the break room” and then ask to learn more about their job over coffee, Badawi recommends. Or, simply ask your boss to introduce you to workers in other departments.

  • Get You Jobs

While you are searching for the jobs, a relevant experience in the field can make it easy for you to secure a job. You can even get your dream job by creating contacts with the right kind of people in the field. With your learning from the training, you can impress your employers. Training is, in fact, a resume booster in this case.

So, do you think that you have been left out of the group only because you are having a little less knowledge of your courses? If yes then do consider joining some of the practical learning classes in and around your area. Surely you will gain the required knowledge and technicality that others want you to have. Along with that your confidence to do the work will multiply as you would know about your ability to perform.


Alumni’s mission is to develop and strengthen the network of cooperation between current students, University of Tetova’s professors and all graduates of this university. The main objective of this structure is to orientate and advise students on a better approach to the labor market, respectively the inclusion in the labor market of as much students as possible, as an indicator of development and quality growth, promoting and enhancing the positive image of the university and its alumni.


The Alumni Network focuses on the professional progress of individuals who have completed studies at the University of Tetova. Through meetings and activities, it helps to convey ideas, initiatives, innovations, collaborations among each other that are more than necessary after the graduation process and especially facing the labor market. This association focuses its work on two groups. First: Alumni graduates, following step by step the careers of those who are employed as well as creating the possibility of engaging in the labor market to those who do not have become part of this market by finding employment in the public or private sector depending on everyone’s abilities and tendencies. Second: students that are currently studying at the University of Tetova, enabling them to participate in different internships and trainings, enabling their acquaintance with the labor market and their preliminary preparation to become part of it.


  • Establishing and maintaining continuous relations between University and students after completing their studies in order to realize mutual cooperation;
  • Assisting in the recruitment of newly graduated students;
  • Informing students on job market offers;
  • Connecting all students who have completed their studies with Alumni Association;
  • Creating a database that will contain all the data of the enrolled in this Association, make them accessible to all members of Alumni in order to enable their interconnection to realize business goals in the future;
  • Building and strengthening the link between students, alumni, University staff and business community;
  • Developing and deepening the cooperation of the University with the companies and institutions in which graduate students of the University work;
  • Enhancing the most innovative information in the professional and scientific disciplines;
  • Advancing and exchanging the professional, scientific and practical knowledge among members;
  • Raising the reputation of the University;
  • Motivating current students;
  • Opportunity for students to successfully start their career.


Alumnis’ main goals are carried out through the following activities:

  • Creating a database for quick and efficient access to information, as well as establishing mutual business contacts and realizing the cooperation of Alumni members;
  • Joint realization of various programs and projects;
  • Organization of conferences, seminars, debates and roundtables on important economic and social issues as well as individual and professional advancement of Alumni members;
  • Organizing student meetings with Alumni members in order to transfer their practical experiences and knowledge;


Realization of good relations and cooperation between Alumni members is based on common values such as:

  • Professionalism;
  • Responsibility;
  • Mutual trust;
  • Respect;
  • Transparency.


ALUMNI Association represents a network in which right to enrollment and membership have undergraduate, master and doctoral students who have graduated from the University of Tetova.
You need to download and complete the Membership Form (in the link below) or you can get the same at the Center for Student Services and Career.
We want to continuously be in touch with you no matter when you have completed your studies. So, contact us through your membership and follow us on Facebook to be on the go with the latest news, opportunities for professional development, events and many other opportunities that our center offers.
If you have any comments or potential questions, do not hesitate to contact us at our official e-mail address:

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